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The most powerful singles resource ever created... keep it in your tennis bag and use it in every match to completely dissect and destroy your opponents' game!
The Singles Matrix Manual is Here!
Singles Matrix Closes TONIGHT at 11:59pm PT!
Get Your Physical Copy of the Singles Matrix Manual
Get your hands on the single most powerful resource ever when it comes to winning in singles. This is a physical, effective, and powerful weapon that lives inside your tennis bag... use it time and time again to expose any and every opponent's weaknesses to win more matches. Never let your game be dictated by trial and error or hoping your opponent messes up... arm yourself with a precise strategy to beat your opponents!

This isn't just a book of "patterns"... it's a step by step system that lives and breathes as a match progresses and evolves and as your game progresses and evolves.

This manual gives you the cheat codes to being more successful in singles... it's like having a coach in your tennis bag at all times, and when you learn how to use it it'll make your winning strategy crystal clear... no matter who you're playing and what shots are or aren't working for you.

When you register today we'll ship this straight to your door at no extra cost, no matter where in the world you live. Plus... you'll even get the digital version so you can print out more pages when you need them! 
Play with Aggression Using the Pressure Pyramid
Most tennis points end with a mistake... and smart tennis players know that they should only risk the minimum amount needed to win. Once you understand how to use the Pressure Pyramid, you'll be able to expertly apply more pressure or less pressure to your opponent so you can find exactly the right amount of risk to take without beating yourself.

The Pressure Pyramid gives you the answers you need in-match to figure out how to strategically break your opponent down... all by helping you hone in on the right things at the exact right times.

Once you understand these powerful principles, you'll stop beating yourself in matches... and start applying immense pressure to your opponents safely.
Become a Precise Tacticioner with the Decision Diamond
The Decision Diamond is going to transform your match experiences by giving you an iron-clad framework to follow when you're trying to decide whether to stick with your Plan A or adjust to a different strategy.

Once you use the Singles Matrix to uncover your winning match strategy, the next most important thing is understanding when and how to change it if your opponent figures you out, finds a flaw in your game, and exploits it... which is exactly what high level players will do! 

No more going down with the ship without making adjustments OR frantically jumping from strategy to strategy. Instead, you'll be able to cooly and calmly make tactical adjustments on the fly that really work. 
Plus... Get Immediate Access to the Singles Matrix Trainings
Learn how to quickly and expertly fill out your Singles Matrix for every match. Suddenly strengths & weaknesses will become obvious to you like you can see for the first time... discover what you've been missing!
Discover the nuances of the Pressure Pyramid so you can wisely and safely ramp up your offense when the time is right, or dial things back when you're overdoing it and starting to beat yourself. Never feel lost again!
Go deep into the Decision Diamond so you can finally deploy your strategies and tactics with complete confidence. You'll get a new framework for how often to evaluate your game, when to change it, and how to change it.
This toolkit is critical to your success because it will give you all the Xs and Os needed to be an expert, confident baseline player. You'll learn where to aim, when, and why as well as how to position yourself for every shot.
Get rid of all of your anxiety about approaching the net because you'll learn exactly where to aim as you move forward and which targets to use to give you the best chance for success with your volleys.
Start each and every point with confidence, clarity, and focus by setting up your strengths naturally while minimizing your weaknesses so you can start with a tactical advantage over and over again.
Learn how to break down all of the most common types of characters you'll meet on the court, including their favorite patterns, biggest weaknesses, and how to systematically defeat them. Get the cheat codes to beat all of your rivals!
We'll go deep inside a real match that Ian and Kevin recently played while using the Singles Matrix, Decision Diamond, and Pressure Pyramid to see in real-time how we're thinking, adjusting our plans, and strategizing... all with nothing held back!
Combine everything you've learned inside Singles Matrix into a simple "If A, Then B" framework that takes all the guesswork out of where to aim and when. Put this into action and you'll never again wonder if you're aiming for the right target at the right time.
Here's what you're getting when you take advantage of this INSANE deal today...
The Singles Matrix Manual
$197 Value
The Pressure Pyramid Guide
$197 Value
The Decision Diamond
$197 Value
The Singles Matrix Trainings
$497 Value
Mental Toughness for Singles
$147 Value
...but yours free!
Live On-Court Q&A w/ ET Pros
$197 Value
...but yours free!
Access to the FB Community
$97 Value
...but yours free!
3.5 Matrix Match Analysis
$197 Value
...but yours free!
Warm Up Evaluation Checklist
$97 Value
...but yours free!
Match Evaluation Checklist
$97 Value
...but yours free!
Singles Warm Up Routine
$97 Value
...but yours free!
That's a TOTAL VALUE of...
But you can get it ALL today for just a fraction of this price
...and shipping is FREE anywhere in the world!
But don't just take our word for it... join risk free!
Here at Essential Tennis, we've spent the past 10 years building the most high quality and effective tennis instruction videos and trainings designed to completely transform your game. Over 20,000 players have trusted us in joining our programs, and we're so committed to getting you results that if for any reason you don't feel Singles Matrix completely lived up to the hype, just email us at or call us at (484) 938-8255 and ask for your money back and we'll give it to you... and you can keep the Singles Matrix manual and all of the course materials!

We do this so you don't have to second-guess investing in yourself... join today and go through all of the materials completely risk-free for 30 days!
Join Singles Matrix and Get All of These Bonuses
  • Mental Tennis Toughness for Singles Players –  Join an exclusive coaching call with world renowned mental coach and peak performance expert Ed Tseng. Ed has worked with Olympic athletes, titans of business, and world class athletes in every sport to help them perform their best when it really matters most... and you'll be able to join a LIVE broadcast and ask questions about YOUR game! This call will be recorded and added to the members' area afterwards.
  • 3.5 Matrix Match Analysis – Watch Ian and Kevin help two real-life 3.5 players in a full competitive match as they guide them through the process of using the Matrix to evaluate their opponent and themselves and come up with the best possible strategy of attack. This special case study will help you see how to use the new tools in your toolbox to their fullest, so you can quickly start playing the best tennis of your life!
  • Post Match Evaluation Checklist – The easiest way to improve your game match after match is to accurately and systematically self evaluate exactly how well you performed! That includes what patterns were especially effective, which were not, what strokes need help on the practice court, which adjustments you would have made looking back in hindsight, and much more. This simple resource will help you create a clear, precise breakdown of every match so you know exactly how to move forward to your next one as strongly as possible. 
  • Warm Up Routine For Singles Players – There's no two ways about it: playing great singles requires your body to be as finely tuned, activated and prepared as possible! That's why we created this special warm up routine specifically for singles players. You'll learn which stretches and movements we personally use to help get your body get quickly primed for your best possible performance each and every match. 
  • ​Plus... we've got a few other surprises in store for our Singles Matrix members, but you'll only get them inside... so don't wait!
What Are You Waiting For?
It's time to start playing the best singles of your life by unleashing the Singles Matrix into your matches and dissecting and destroying your opponents' games!
Singles Matrix Closes TONIGHT at 11:59pm PT!
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